Jobs & Grants for Students
Students often ask me for advice on finding a graduate program, job, or field experience. The first thing I recommend is subscribing to listservs and searching job boards. Below are a few sites that I have used or that have been recommended to me. If you have any suggestions or have comments on these sites please shoot me an e-mail.
Mostly evolution jobs. Has a mix of both field and lab stuff. Advertises temp jobs, field positions, graduate lines, grants, and conferences all related to evolution. I actually troll this site for tenure track positions. Scroll to the bottom to the folder marked as “Jobs”. You can subscribe for e-mails that come at 3am.
Animal Behavior Society
This is a nice page that posts a wide variety of jobs all related to animal behavior. I know the Ketterson lab often posts here, and I have in the past. There are some jobs that pay and some that are volunteer posistions, but are in neat places. This is a general list and not all of the posts are jobs. I’ve not subscribed but it may be possible.
I don’t know much about this one, but friends of mine recommend it.
This is run by the Ecological Society of America
Orn Jobs
Birdy type jobs. A pretty good site if you are interested in getting bird experience. I used to post here when hiring for the summer during my Ph.D.
Texas A&M Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
This looks like a nice site for conservation and field based jobs.