Curriculum Vitae
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Underlined names denote undergraduate collaborators, * Denotes co-first, or co-senior author
​27. Cook, Phoebe, Robin Costello, Edmund Brodie III* and Vincent Formica*,. In press. Population age structure shapes selection on social behavior in a long-lived beetle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
26. Fornof*, Lillian, Clara A. Stahlmann Roeder*, Edmund D. Brodie* III & Vincent A. Formica.*2024 The influence of resource patch condition and size on social interactions, reproductive behaviors, and oviposition in a fungivorous beetle. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology: 78, 80. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-024-03494-z
25. Cook, Phoebe, Robin Costello, Vincent Formica*, and Edmund Brodie III*. 2023. Individual and population age impact social behavior and network structure in a long-lived insect. The American Naturalist: 202:5, 667-680,https://doi.org/10.1086/726063
​24. Kamath, Ambika, Beans Velocci, Ashton Wesner, Nancy Chen, Vincent Formica, Banu Subramaniam, and Maria Rebolleda-Gómez. 2022. Nature, Data, and Power: How hegemonies shaped this special section. American Naturalist. 200:81–88.
23. Costello, Robin, Phoebe Cook, Edmund Brodie III, and Vincent Formica. 2022. Multilevel selection on social network traits differs between sexes in experimental populations of forked fungus beetles. Evolution 77:289–303.
22. Brodie III, Edmund, Phoebe Cook, Robin Costello, Vincent Formica, 2022. Phenotypic Assortment Changes the Landscape of Selection. Journal of Heredity. 17 ; 113(1):91-101.
21. Costello, Robin, Phoebe Cook, Vincent Formica*. & Edmund Brodie III*. 2022. Group and individual social network metrics are robust to changes in resource distribution in experimental populations of forked fungus beetles. Journal of Animal Ecology 91, 895–907.
20. Cook, Phoebe, Olivia Baker, Robin Costello, Vincent Formica, & Edmund Brodie III. 2022. Group composition of individual personalities alters social network structure in experimental populations of forked fungus beetles. Biology Letters 18, 20210509.
19. Vilella-Pacheco, Zoromar.*, Lisa Mitchem*, Vincent Formica, & Edmund Brodie III, 2021. Male competition reverses female preference for male chemical cues. Ecology and Evolution, 00:1–10 [PDF]
18. Vincent Formica, Hannah Donald, Hannah Marti, Zhazira Irgebay, Edmund D. Brodie III. 2020. Social network position experiences more variable selection than weaponry in wild subpopulations of forked fungus beetles. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90:168-182 [PDF]
17. Mitchem, Lisa, Reena Debray, Vincent Formica, Edmund D. Brodie III. 2019. Contest interactions and outcomes: relative body size and aggression independently predict contest status. Animal Behaviour. 157, 43-49 [PDF]
16. Grunst, Andrea, Melissa Grunst, Vincent Formica, Marisa Korody, Adam Betuel, Margarida Barcelo-Serra, Rusty Gonser, & Elaina Tuttle. 2018. Morph-specific patterns of reproductive senescence: connections to discrete reproductive strategies. American Naturalist. 191 (6): 744-755. [Link]
15. Grunst, Melissa, Andrea Grunst, Vincent Formica, Marisa Korody, Adam Betuel, Margarida Barcelo-Serra, Sarah Ford, Rusty Gonser, & Elaina Tuttle. 2018. Actuarial senescence in a dimorphic bird: different rates of ageing in morphs with discrete reproductive strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B . 285: 20182053 [Link]
14. Grunst, Melissa, Andrea Grunst, Vincent Formica, Rusty Gonser, & Elaina Tuttle. 2018. Multiple signaling functions of song in a polymorphic species with alternative reproductive strategies. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 1369-1383 [PDF]
13. Formica, Vincent, Corlett Wood, Phoebe Cook, & Edmund Brodie III. 2017. Consistency of animal social networks after disturbance. Behavioral Ecology. 28 (1): 85-93
[Selected by Faculty of 1000, Ecology] [PDF]
12. Formica, Vincent, Hannah Donald-Cannon, & Ian Perkins-Taylor. 2016. Consistent patterns of male mate preference in the laboratory and field. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. 70: 1805-1802 [PDF]
11. Formica Vincent & Amanda Chan. 2015. No effect of host species on phenoloxidase activity in a mycophagous beetle. PLoS One 10(10): e0141167 [PDF]
10. Wood, Corlett, Hannah Donald, Vincent Formica, & Edmund Brodie III. 2013. Surprisingly little population genetic structure in a fungus-associated beetle despite its exploitation of multiple hosts. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 1484–1494. [PDF]
9. Benowitz, Kyle, Edmund Brodie III, & Vincent Formica. 2012. Morphological correlates of a sexually dimorphic performance trait. PLOS ONE 7: e42738. [PDF]
8. Donald, Hannah, Corlett Wood, Kyle. Benowitz, Rebecca Johnson, Edmund Brodie III, & Vincent Formica. 2012. Nondestructive sampling of insect DNA from defensive secretion. Molecular Ecology Resources, 12: 856-860. [PDF]
7. Formica Vincent, Whitney Larsen, Corlett Wood, Rebecca E. Butterfield, Helen Hougen & Edmund Brodie III. 2012. Fitness consequences of social network position in a wild population of forked fungus beetles (Bolitotherus cornutus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25: 130-137. [PDF]
6. Formica Vincent, Joel McGlothlin, Corlett Wood, Malcolm Augat, Rebecca E. Butterfield, Mollie Barnard*, & Edmund Brodie III. 2011. Phenotypic assortment mediates the effect of social selection in a wild beetle population. Evolution, 65-10: 2771-2781. [PDF]
5. Formica, Vincent, Malcolm Augat, Molly Barnard, Rebecca. E. Butterfield, Corlett Wood, & Edmund Brodie III. 2010. Using spatial analysis to define social networks in wild populations of insects. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64: 1199-1208. [PDF]
4. Formica, Vincent. & Elania Tuttle. 2009. Examining the social landscapes of alternative reproductive strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22: 2395 – 2408. [PDF]
3. Holliday, Alison. Faye Walker, Edmund D. Brodie III, & Vincent Formica. 2009. Differences in defensive volatiles in the forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus, living on two species of fungus. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35: 1302–1308. [PDF]
2. Tuttle, Elaina, Ryan Jensen, Vincent Formica, & Rusty Gonser. 2006. Using remote sensing image texture to study habitat use patterns: A case study using the polymorphic White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15: 349 – 357. [PDF]
1. Formica, Vincent, Rusty Gonser, Scott Ramsay, & Elaina Tuttle. 2004. Spatial dynamics of alternative reproductive strategies: The role of neighbors. Ecology, 85: 1125-1136. [Selected by Faculty of 1000] [PDF]